Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nouveau Rich

In gold we trust
By Phivos Nicolaides
A satirical book on modern Cyprus

Written with a directness that excites and a pleasant tone that captures, the book attempts to trace the socially ambiguous. With sincerity, boldness and sarcasm, the writer acutely manages to approach the wrongs of the Cyprus daily life, which for most of us pertain to the «others» and not to ourselves.


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Maria Verivaki said...

this theme sounds familiar - i coud change the word cyprus to crete!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Pesto psemmata. I am almost sure that you could change the word 'Cyprus' not only to 'Crete' but to much more...

gertru said...

thanks for your post on my blog :)

Phivos Nicolaides said...

gertru aka campanita or diabilikitty
Hola, Moutsios gracias. Salutos from Cyprus.
Thank you very much.

Lori said...

Best wishes to you on your book for great success!!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Presbyterin gal very kind of you. Thank you very much for your kind wishes.

Geraldo Maia said...

Olá Phivos Nicolaides,
It is a great pleasure to be visiting once more your wondeful blog.
Best wishes from Brazil:

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Geraldo ola. Moutsas cracias. Thank you so much for you kind comments. I am also enjoy visiting your great blog. Salutos.

david santos said...

Excellent post, my friend, excellent!
Have a nice day

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Ola David. Obrigado. Thank you very much for your kind comment. Very interesting your blog.

Δέσποινα said...

Συγχαρητήρια για τα βιβλία σας!
Καλή συνέχεια και καλές δημιουργίες!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Δέσποινα, πολύ σ' ευχαριστώ. Να 'σαι πάντα καλά και να μας χαρίζεις κι εσύ ευχάριστες περιηγήσεις με την εξαίρετη ιστοσελίδα σου.

Oman said...

nice satirical photo. love it.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Lawstude. SALAMAT, Thank you for your kind comment.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Hola amigo Jorge. Bienvenidos. Moutsios gracias. Salutos de Chipre. Felipe

Anonymous said...

Very good......

jf said...

Είδα το όνομά σας πρόσφατα σε κάποιο blog και κάτι μου θύμισε...
"Νεοκύπριοι Πλουτοκράτες..."

Το... 'ρούφηξα' [ή με 'ρούφηξε';] εν μία νυκτί !

Ένιωθα πότε ψηλά και πότε χαμηλά. Τόσες αλήθειες μαζεμένες...


Meropi said...

Φοίβο μου καλό σου απόγευμα.
Αν κατάλαβα καλά έχεις γράψει βιβλίο μ΄ αυτό τον τίτλο?? Ενδιαφέρον μου ακούγεται. Θα το ψάξω να το βρω.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

JamanFou. Ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ. Εύγε και σε σένα για τα υπέροχα άρθρα που μας προβληματίζουν και μας κάνουν να σκεφτόμαστε!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Meropi. Προσπάθησα να καταγράψω το αμφισβητούμενο, έχοντας το 'ακαταλόγιστο' του σύγχρονου Νεοκύπριου! Αν δεν το βρεις να μου το πεις. Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ.

Ellee Seymour said...

My son went to Cyprus on a school trip this year and had a wonderful time, just playing football and swimming mostly. But the weather was great.

I'm half Greek by the way, it's nice to come across your blog.

Giancarlo said...

looks very interesting. God bless to your book...

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Ellee Seymour. Yia sou! Thank you so much for your kind comment. I have looked at your blog and can't wait to see more... Keep in touch.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Labawdongon. Thank you for your kind compliment. I visited your blog and found it to be a perfect one!

Grace said...

i like history and travel book. i hope they have english version of this book... :)

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Hi Grace, thank you very much for your kind comment. I have a look at yoru blog and I found it very interesting. Keep in touch!

Grace said...

I came back... I had confusion on that theme... :)

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Hi! I'm Grace, welcome back. Have you checked :www.taxidiaris.blogspot.com

spyros1000 said...

δεν γινεται να ερθω στην κυπρο να ζησω,μου φαινεται εδω στην ελλαδα σε 5 χρονια θα ψαχνουμε στα σκουπιδια φαγητο...

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Spyros. 'Ελα Σπύρο, μην τα παραλές!!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Congratulations on your book! Unfortunately I don't speak Greek....and my English is also so weak...

Thanks for your nice visiting on my blog!
Have a good weekend!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Thank you Lusia.

megat said...

your picture very beautiful and make me excited. I come again

A Khudori Soleh said...

salam from khudori

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Μegat. Thank you and Happy New Year 2009!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

A Khudori Soleh. Salam from Cyprus and Happy New Year 2009!

Justine's Blog said...

Dearest Fivos,
Here I am in your blog apartment. I want to wish you a great success with your new book and keep smiling!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Ιουστίνη Φραγκούλη. Oh dearest Ioustini, thank you on all accounts. Keep in touch and smiling too!!

Μίκα said...

Φαίνεται καλή προσπάθεια.Λείπει λίγο η ελληνική γλώσσα;

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Marina. Ευχαριστώ για το σχόλιο σου. Η Ελληνική γλώσσα στο βιβλίο είναι παρούσα. Εδώ, γίνεται μια προσπάθεια και για κάποιους 'άλλους', που δεν ξέρουν τη γλώσσα μας. Όμως αν θέλεις μπορείς να διαβάσεις περισσότερο για το βιβλίο στο: www.phivosnicolaides.blogspot.com
και ειδικά εδώ: εδώ

Μίκα said...

ok katalava :)

Leif Hagen said...

Good luck with your book!

Greetings from EAGAN daily photo blog from Minnesota, USA

Show us more pictures of beautiful Cyprus

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Leif Hagen. Thank you very much for your kind wishes. For more pictures of beautiful Cyprus look here

much2ponder said...

Very interesting, I will need to look further into this. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have looked at all three of your blogs and an intrigued.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

much2ponder. Thank you very much for your generous comment. I like too your interesting and beautiful blog!

Gutsy Living said...

I just discovered this one of your blogs. You have 3. Congratulations on your book. Are you going to promote outside Cypress? Are you already traveling to promote?

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ much2ponder. Thank you for your kind comments. I appreciate it.

@ GutsyWriter. Thank you so much. Somebody is trying to translate it from Greek into English! I'm traveling to learn and for pleasure! See here

spyros1000 said...


Anestis Ketsetzidis said...

Κύριε Νικολαίδη
σας ευχαριστώ για την επίσκεψη και να σας συνχαρώ για τις ωραίες σας σελίδες.
Την καλημέρα μου σε σας και σε όλη τη Κύπρο.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ spyros1000. Πολύ ωραίο και ενδιαφέρον το μπλοκ σου. Ελπίζω να κρατήσουμε επαφή.

@ Ανεστης Θ. Κετσετζιδης. Είδα αγαπημένη Θεσσαλονίκη και σταμάτησα. Κι εγώ σας συγχαίρω ειλικρινά για το αξιόλοξο μπλοκ σας. Ας κρατήσουμε επαφή.

Sharon McPherson said...

Book sounds interesting and entertaining ... :)

Thank you very much for reading my blog and becoming a follower. Appreciated.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Sharon McPherson: AUTHOR / ARTIST. Thank you for your generous comment. Keep in touch!

Michael St. James said...

Congrats! Sounds like a good read!

armanda said...

Grazie mio caro per il tuo messaggio
un caro saluto dall'Italia, un abbraccio

ciao army :-)

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Michael St. James. Thank you so much for your congratulations and kind words!

@ armanda. Grazie mia cara per il tuo messaggio gentile e cordiali saluti da Italia. Best regards from Cyprus.
Thanks my dear for your kind message and warm greetings from Italy. Best regards from Cyprus.

Jani said...

Hi!You have nice blog!Visit my blog.Jani from Finland!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Jani. Terve and Kiitos!! You have a nice blog too! Huuva! Terveisin.

Jani said...

You speak finnish so good:)

Anonymous said...


Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Jani. Hyvää huomenta. I have been to Finland 3 times and I know some Finnish words and expressions. Katso täältä ja täältä

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Kata. Terve! Katso minun matkustaa blogi täältä

Blogger fan said...

καλησπερα.χαιρομαι που εχω αναγνωστες απο κυπρο.γιατι εχω και φιλους εκει.σε ευχαριστω για το σχολιο στην σελιδα μου.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Rogelio. Muchas gracias. Regards from Cyprus!

@ Anastasia. Να'σαι καλά Αναστασία μου. Πού ξέρεις μπορεί και να τους γνωρίζουμε τους φίλους σου. Χαιρετισμούς από Λευκωσία!

Un par de neuronas... said...

Πολύ χάρηκα που είδα το σχόλιο σας στο δικό μου βλογ. Με σιγχωρείς αλλά δεν γράφω καλά ελληνικά, αν και τρελαίνομαι την γλωσσα σας. Έχετε κανένα βλογ για να σας διαβάζω και να σας γράψω στα ελληνικά;
Πολύ ενδιαφερον ο τίτλος του βιβλίο σας. Πέρσι εκδόθηκαι και το δικό μου σε σχέση με τους δελφικούς ιμνους στον Απολλωνα, λ'ιγο πολεμικό βιβλιο γιατι κατέστρεψα τις γαλλικές σάπιες θεωρείες.

Καλές γιορτές και ευχαριστώ

Φεγγαρολουστη said...

Καλα Χριστουγεννα ..υγεια...αγαπη ειρηνη σε ολο τον κοσμο..

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ VERÓNICA MARSÁ. Feliz Navidad. Muchas gracias por tu comentario amable. Por favor vea mis otros blogs que están en griego y el viaje en griego y en Inglés.
Merry Christmas. Thank you very much for your kind comment. Please see my other blogs which are in Greek and the travelling one in both Greek and English.

@ Φεγγαρολουστη. Πολύ σ' ευχαριστώ για τις ευγενικές σου ευχές και αντεύχομαι κάθε καλό σε σένα και την οικογένεια σου.

Benikos place said...

Χρονια πολλα καλα χριστουγεννα και καθε ευτυχια την νεα χρονια

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Benikos place. Χρόνια Πολλά με υγεία και χαρά.

Blogger fan said...

καλες γιορτες φηβο σου ευχομαι να εχεις.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Anastasia. Χρόνια Πολλά Αναστασία μου σε σένα και την οικογένεια σου.

Lisa Petrarca said...

I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas!

Thank you for stopping by my Blogs!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Lisa Petrarca. Thank you so much for your kind comment. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Blogger fan said...

φοιβο σου ευχομαι πολη καλη καλη χρονια να εχεις,με υγεια και να σαι γερος και δυνατος εσυ και η οικογενεια σου.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Anastasia. Καλή Χρονιά σε σένα και την οικογένεια σου αγαπητή μου φίλη Αναστασία.

Bozbez said...


HAPPY 2010.


Chá das Cinco said...

Olá Phivos,
estou aqui para te desejar um ótimo final de semana.
Beijos do Brasil meu amigo.
Gemária Sampaio

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Bozbez. Thank you so much for yor kind words my dear friend Jole. We keep in touch. Happy 2010!

@ Chá das Cinco. Olá Gemária. Beijos do Chipre para o meu amigo. Muito obrigado meu caro amigo novo. Eu adoraria vê-lo em volta do meu blog viajando

Anonymous said...

Olá amigo, obrigado pela visitinha, desejo a você um ótimo fim de semana.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Zeze Mendez. Olá amigo Abraço. obrigado pela sua bondade para visita do blog e deixe uma mensagem. Fico feliz em falar com você. Feliz Ano Novo!

liza said...

καλο βραδυ.περνα απο το μπλογκ μου να παρεις το βραβειο σου.θα ηταν χαρα μου κ τιμη μου

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Liza. Πολύ σ' ευχαριστώ καλή μου φίλη.

liza said...

χαρα μου!!!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Liza. Καλή μου Λίζα και πάλι σ΄ευχαριστώ. Αν έχεις την καλωσύνη άφηνε τα μηνύματά σου σ' ένα από τα άλλα μου δυο μπλογκ γιατί εδώ δεν μπαίνω να γράφω! Φιλιά.

Fran said...

Estamos sempre prontos a criticar os outros. Dificil é olharmos para nós... Mas parece ser legal o livro.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Muito obrigado meu caro amigo. Tenho visitado seu blog e me tornei um seguidor. Tenho visitado o seu país incrível e eu amo a sua beleza e seu povo. Por favor, visite o meu blog de viagem, que está em Inglês e em grego. Abraços de Chipre. Felipe

Chá das Cinco said...

Kisses for you my friend
Gemária Sampaio

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Baron's Life. Thanks a lot my dear friend. All the best for you.

Chá das Cinco.Obrigado pelo seu comentário espécie. Gosto do seu blog e eu adicionei ao meu blog roll. Convido-vos a visitar o meu blog de viagem, que está em Inglês e em grego. Atenciosamente. Beijo.

La Maison d'Ávila said...

Thanks for visiting.
I loved your blog. Beautiful!
Come again,
Super kisses
Regina Avila.

Sônia Pachelle said...

Gostaria muito de ler esse livro, não o encontrei no Brasil. Agradeço sua visita, volte sempre.


Sandra said...

Passe para deixar um bom dia..
Um bela semana de Sucessos.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Regina d'Ávila. Thank you amiga Regina for your sweet and kind words! Bjs.

@ Sonia. Obrigado amiga Sonia! Bjs.

@ Sandra. Obrigado amiga Sandra! Bjs.

Self Sagacity said...

Great!!!Everything has been said. Smiles. Though, good luck with your book.

fan said...

i wish you a lot of success with your book !! saludos !!!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Self Sagacity. Thank you so much for your kind wishes.

@ fan. Thank you very much for your sweet words. Muchas gracias. Salutos.

scribbling sassy said...

very interesting!this could also be a take on all other societies, as some of the wrongs could also happen anywhere else, I'm sure we'll all learn from this book! good job!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Sassy Scribbles. Thank you so much for your so kind words. It's absolutely true that what I write in the book it's happening in many other places around the world. This is life!!

B said...

Muy lindo tu blog hermosas fotos y lugares... todo un placer.


Cloudia said...

Aloha from another island: Hawaii, my Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Cloudia. I have visited your blog and found it very interesting and beautiful. We keep in touch. Kind regards. Aloha!

Shrinky said...

Congratulations, it appears you have many talents!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Shrinky. Thank you so much for your kind words.

Sonia Schmorantz said...

Quero ser o teu amigo. Nem demais e nem de menos. 
Nem tão longe e nem tão perto. 
Na medida mais precisa que eu puder. 
Mas amar-te sem medida e ficar na tua vida, 
Da maneira mais discreta que eu souber. 
Sem tirar-te a liberdade, sem jamais te sufocar. 
Sem forçar tua vontade. 
Sem falar, quando for hora de calar. 
E sem calar, quando for hora de falar. 
Nem ausente, nem presente por demais. 
Simplesmente, calmamente, ser-te paz. 
É bonito ser amigo, mas confesso é tão difícil aprender! 
E por isso eu te suplico paciência. 
Vou encher este teu rosto de lembranças, 
Dá-me tempo, de acertar nossas distâncias...
Fernando Pessoa

Um domingo de paz e amor junto aos seus!

Observação: Pode usar à vontade as fotos que publico!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Sonia Schmorantz. Muito obrigado meu caro amiga, pelas suas palavras doces. Muitos aspectos.

Chá das Cinco said...

Oi amigo!!!!
Fico feliz com a tua visita.


Phivos Nicolaides said...

Chá das Cinco. Oi amiga. Obrigado.

BB said...

Rico pasar a visitarte
Un abrazo

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ BB. Muchas gracias por su comentario, me encanta este blog. Un abrazo. Travelling

BB said...

Interesante blog
In god we trust

Recomenzar said...

Great blog ...saludos desde recomenzar

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ BB. Muchas gracias. In God we trust
bust most of the people experience in real life the: "In GOLD we trust"!

@ RECOMENZAR. Muchas gracias amiga! Saludos.

@ Dri Viaro. Oi amiga. Obrigado. Bjs!


Un saludo cordial desde Chile.


Phivos Nicolaides said...

ROSARIO GONZÁLEZ VERA. Hola amiga! Muchas gracias por su comentario, Muchas gracias. Un abrazo

Shanti said...

Good luck, dear Philip!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Shanti. Thank you so much my dear friend. Salut!

Baron's Life said...

Best wishes on your book...it should be an interesting read to all of us, specially from that part of the world.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Baron's Life said. Thank you so much for your kind comment.

Ana Cristina said...

Thanks for your visit and comment left. Wish you a very happy and pleasant Wednesday!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Ana Cristina. Thank you for passing by and leave a kind comment.

C'est La Vie said...

good luck!


Phivos Nicolaides said...

Ces't La Vie. Thank you so much dear Sara for your kind wishes.

Carlos Lorenzo said...

I didn't know you were a writer. Good luck with the book

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Carlos Lorenzo. Hola amigo Carlos. I'm writing now my third book! Thank you for your kind wishes.

Anonymous said...

nice post,...like it,...keep blogging...
P.S. Happy Blogging...

Audrey Low said...

Congratulations on your book! Great blog.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Jesson Balaoing. Thank you so much for your kind comment and wishes. I enjoyed checking out your blogs too.

@Audrey Low. Thank you very much for your sweet words. I also really enjoyed yours especially all those concerning traveling.

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Lloyd. Thank you for your kind comment.I also really enjoyed yours.

Unknown said...

Hola, gracias por tus palabras amables en mi blog.

Un beso

Marilu said...

Querido Phivos, já sou sua seguidora, seus blogs são espetaculares. Em particular esse último post, hoje em dia as pessoas estão preocupadas com si mesmo, ninguem tem "tempo" para se preocupar com os menos afortunados e marginalizados. O mundo fecha os olhos para os pobres, aja visto os campos de refugiados espalhados por tantos continentes. Que bom que existem pessoas como você que colocam isso em livros. Tenha uma excelente semana...Beijocas

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Marilu. Olá querida amiga Marilu, obrigada pelo comentário no meu Blog, amei muito. Abraços e beijos.

Marilu said...

Meu querido amigo Phivos, primeiramente venho agradecer-lhe a visita, e as palavras tão gentis que você lá deixou. Torname-ei sua seguidora em todos os seus blogs, pois são de extremo bom gosto e abordam assuntos sempre muito interessantes.Beijocas

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Marilu. Muito obrigado pela sua bondade e palavras doces. Beijocas

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Estrella Altair. Hola, gracias por tus palab Hola amiga. Muchas gracias por su amabilidad y palabras dulces. Besos

Marilu said...

Meu querido amigo Phivos, tenha um lindo final de semana...Beijocas

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Marilu. Meu querida amiga Marilu, obrigado. Cumprimentos e beijos.



Phivos Nicolaides said...

MEUS POEMAS. Ola querida amiga. Obrigado pela gentileza. Bjs

Anonymous said...

Muy bueno, es un placer visitarte.
Te deseo lo mejor.
besitos para ti, que tengas un hermoso fin de semana.
Gracias por visitar mi blog.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Dejame un Poema. Ola guerida amiga. Muchas gracias por su comentario. Salutos. Un abrazo

Anonymous said...

Phivos, Gracias eres un ser maravilloso.
besitos para ti

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Dejame un Poema. Muchas gracias mi querida amiga. Besitos para ti.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Sandra. Obrigado amiga Sandra.Ola Bom dia! Certamente a amizade entre athropon é uma mercadoria valiosa.

Mariana said...

hugs and kisses

Marie said...

I think I could have changed the name of the country for France too :-))

Congratulations to you. I did not know you were the writer of the book.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Mariana. Thank you so much for your sweet words.

@ Marie. Thank you very much for your kind comment.

ma thet zin said...

So glad to see you post dear one.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Ma thet zin. Thank you so much for your kind comment.

Sandra Gonçalves said...

Boa dica..obrigado.
bjos achocolatados

Sarah said...

Hello! Thank you for following my blog, and sorry for not written in a looooong time!!! But my plan is to get started again, so, welcome back! Hugs from Sweden!

Sarah said...

Thank you for following my blog...and sorry for not written in a looong time!! But since people are asking for me - i have to get myself together and start writing again!! So - Welcome back!! Hugs from Sweden!!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Sandra Botelho. Querida amiga Sandra. Obrigado por seu gentil comentário. Vamos continuar em contato. Bjos.
Thank you for your kind comment.

@ Sarah. Tack för era vänliga kommentarer. Thank you so much for your kind comment. Lets keep in touch. Hugs.

Betty Gaeta said...

Hi Phivos,
Are you this book's author? Very interessed!
I'm following your blog.
Have a happy weekend!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Betty Gaeta. Thank you so much for your kindness. I'm too following your blog. Kind regards.

Jacque said...

Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο ...


Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Jacque. Obrigada querida amiga Jacque.

Bitch said...

Thank you for following me on my blog!!
Wish you a big success with your book!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Bitch. Thank you so much for your kindness!

Ester said...

Olá Felipe!

Temos alguns amigos em comum, vim conhecer seu blog..

Um abraço!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Ester. Olá Este! Obrigado pela visita e comentário. Bjs

jyothisethu said...

visited the entire blog...
it is highly interesting to read...
165 comments for a post is really amazing...

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ jyothisethu. Thank you so much for your kind words. Best regards.

Freedom said...

Thanks for your visit.
Come back always!


Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Freedom. Thank you dear for your kind words. Keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

έχω δει νεοπλουτισμό στην Ελλάδα και γενικά είναι αυτή η εικονική ύψωση σε ένα δήθεν ανώτερο οικονοκοινωνικό επίπεδο ατόμων που θα έπρεπε ή μάλλον κατα βάθος ανήκουν σε ένα άλλο επίπεδο σε άλλο τρόπο σκέψης και ζωής αλλά με την απόκτηση του πλούτου ψάχνουν να αγοράσουν την ζωή που δεν δικαιούνται πνευματικά να έχουν αλλά θέλουν οπωσδήποτε να την κατακτήσουν.
I have a lot to say..I am sure your book is wonderful! All the best.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Mosaicista Appassionata. Αφαλώς ο νεοπλουτισμός είναι παγκόσμιο φαινόμενο. Η διαφορά ίσως, είναι οι τρόποι εκδήλωσης του...
Thank you so much for your kind words. All the best for you.

Jorge Manuel Brasil Mesquita said...

If I understood well, the book must be an excellent view of the Cyprus daily life. In a world that lives in a kind of loneliness every book that reveals what is unknown by most of us is an excellent idea.
Jorge Manuel Brasil Mesquita
Lisboa, 13/10/2010

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Jorge Manuel Brasil Mesquita. Obrigado Jorge pela visita e comentário.


My friend:
That Tweeter´s accont does not exist. I´ve lost everything that was inside my PC. Today, I tried to make another accont to follow you, but it did not work, cause I now use Internet explorer and Chrome and there is a perfect mess:)))
Sorry, dear.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ RENATA MARIA PARREIRA CORDEIRO. Obrigada querida amiga Renata.
Thank you so much for your kind comment. Keep in touch.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Little Place Of Girls. Obrigado pela visita e comentário. Abraco
Thank you for the visit and your comment. Hugs

Vozár Istvánné és Vozár István said...

Köszönjük a látogatást és a kedves szavakat! Mi is gratulálunk ehhez a szép bloghoz!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@Vozár Istvánné és Vozár István.
Köszönjük a látogatást es a Kedves szavakat! Ön nagyon kedves és udvarias. Tekintetében

sm said...

beautiful pic

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Sm. Thank you.

Toyin O. said...

Good luck with the book, love the picture.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Toyin O. Thank you so much for your kind wishes. Best regards.

Toyin O. said...

I hope you are having a good day, just want to thank you for visiting my blog and your gracious comment. Have a happy thanksgiving!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Toyin O. Thank you too for your kind visit and comment.

Romantik Seelchen said...

lieber Philip, Danke für die Grüße, auf diese Seite komme ich immer, sie geht zum Sehen, ein kleiner Trost für dich denke ich, mit lieben Grüßen Jasmin Deutschland, hier liegt schon Schnee, herzlichst Jasmin....

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Jasmin. Liebe Jasmin. Vielen Dank für Ihre freundliche und süße Worte. Sie machen mich immer glücklich mit Ihren Kommentaren. Liebe Grüße Philip

Anikó/Ann said...

Kedves Nicola!
Nagyon tartalmas érdekes oldalad van,szívesen nézegetem,kívánok kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket,üdvözlettel Anikó

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Aniko: Köszönöm szépen a kedves megjegyzést. Szeretném, ha boldog ünnepekhez.

Sulo Heinola said...

Hyvää Uutta Vuotta Sinulle Nicolaides!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Suloensio.Kiitos paljon toivotuksista rakas ystävämme. Terveisin.

Silenciosamente ouvindo... said...

Obrigada meu amigo por se ter
registado no meu blogue.
Terei muito gosto neste nosso
encontro via Net.
Beijinhos de Portugal e da Irene

Phivos Nicolaides said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Silenciosamente ouvindo. Obrigado meu amiga. Bjs

Sandra Gonçalves said...

As vezes a rudeza nas palavras mostra a realidade que na maioria dos paises é oculta.
deve realmente ser um bom livro.
Bjos achocoaltados

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@Sandra Botelho. Ola querida amiga Sandra. Obrigado pela sua visita e palavras gentis. Bjs

Unknown said...


Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Angel. Καλή Χρονιά, Χρόνια Πολλά!

Anikó/Ann said...

Hi dear my friend,I cannot go for Budapest unfortunately,Because I live far, and I work.I thank you for having spoken feel well in my homeland, with a greeting from Anikó Sopron

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Anikó. Thank you very much for your so kind comment. Kind regards.

Dri Andrade said...

Por que vc não faz um blog em português homem,quero entender tudo que leio rsrsr...um bom fim de semana pra vc


BB said...

Gracias por tu visita
Un abrazo

Anikó/Ann said...

Hi dear my friend I desire a pleasant new week, tomorrow March

Toyin O. said...

love the book cover, hope all is well:)

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Dri Andrade. Muito obrigado querida Dri.

@ BB. Muchas gracias querida amiga Beatriz.

@ Anikó. Köszönöm szépen.

@ Taio. Muchas gracias.

@ Toyin O. Thank you so much for your generous comment.

Sonhos De Deus said...

Amigo querido ...
Que todos os dias quando você acordar...
receba dos Céus a bênção de ter
sempre por perto as pessoas que te amam...
Um final de semana com toda sorte de benção bjs!!!


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