Sunday, June 1, 2008


Hani offers and Hani drinks
By Phivos Nicolaides

After the success of the first book «Neocypriots Wealthowners or Neveau Riche Villagers», which has already been exhausted, Mr. Phivos Nicolaides moved on to a second attempt in writing with lots of energy and much humor. The second book, which was published and circulated a few days ago, is titled «In the Land of Hani-Anan», with sub-title «Hani offers and Hani drinks». As the title predisposes, the book sends you immediately to David Hani, the British Special Representative for the Cyprus problem and, of course, to the Secretary General of the United Nations Mr. Kofi Annan, who played a major role in the final version of the Anan plan for the settlement of the Cyprus problem. In the land, therefore, not of the Cypriots but of Hani and Anan.

As it is mentioned in the preface of the book, «The British philosopher Colerich, states that no-one mind is well organized if a sense of humor is absent; and because the whole operation for the promotion of the Anan plan on the one hand and its rejection on the other hand, were very well orchestrated, this situation could not be void of a humorous side». The condensed description of the Cyprus problem since 1974 and until our days is, to the point, and selectively, mentions world events which represent a novelty. Written in a pleasant style and immediacy which captures, the book purports to criticize the unjust as it has been represented through certain provisions of the Anan plan. Simultaneously, it reminds, in good faith, our own responsibilities and our own deadlocks with our own choices of «better of the two evils» which, as a rule, we face. The writer in his characteristic style states the following: «With the sins of our ancestors on the Cyprus problem, we experienced what the first born suffered with the primordial sin». The picture is full of imaginative comments and sarcastic memos such as: «The Cyprus problem as an issue for half a century is threatening to burn us. It may finally be that the obvious truths for our justice may be the ones that took our eyes out!».

The resourceful titles of the chapters like: («From Casus Beli to Belly Dance», «Apartheid and Taking», «The De-Coto Quote», «In the Nest of the Deaf», «Long Live Hani and Eat TriPartition», «Vira tis Angires», «The Cry came out of Paradise», «Not in Euro the Happiness», «The justices in Veto and Candy», «Perfect Silence from Tasos» etc. gives the necessary coordinates of the chapters. The writer is able to place serious and comical views in what he is analyzing. He also sends twisted looks to those who he considers responsible for the lamentable situation of the Cyprus case. The climax of the search is sarcasm and self-sarcasm. At the same time gives attention to more discussion of the thoughts that are being developed. For those who can read between the lines and the cold depiction of events through the light humor of the writer, can decipher the bitterness, the anger and the great pain. In the 4th chapter he characteristically states «it could be that Kofi had the Plan but the master mind Hani had the Master Plan; he who believes that Cyprus is the Den of Pantziarou». Despite the caustic and many times austere critique, the writer reconciles the comical tragic reality with the cynic realism, the despair with the hope. As he himself, clarifies: «the book is an attempt to free the thought. It is aimed at those who found themselves within the frame of the Yes or the No, but they are trying to clear their thoughts and to bring themselves a bit outside of this framework».

The impressive sketches of the well-known sketsographer George Mitides engulf and enrich the book presenting the necessary three-dimensional picture of the text. Proverbs, words of wisdom and paraboles, even jokes or contemporary songs are presented through the main actor “of the fables for good dreams” -grandpa Vasilis. They capture the reader and make the book a pleasant adventure of the thought.


Cheryl said...

Congratulations-your book seems intriguing.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Cheryl, thank you so much for your compliment. Very kind of you.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Paris parfait merci beaucop. Knowing the region, as you lived in Jordan, you perfectly understand my attempt. Thank you for your so kind comments.

Lily said...

most interesting! did you publish it in English as well?
By the way: thanks for registering on my blogs!
greetings from DK
Sarah sofia

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Sarah Sofia Ganborg. Thank you Sarah Sofia very much for your kind comment. I don't have an English edition yet, although some people promised to me!

Dona Sra. Urtigão said...

Quando tiver edição em ingles, avise, fiquei com vontade de ler. (Ou em portugues -risos)

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Dona Sra. Urtigão. Olá. Obrigado e saudações de Chipre.

MedaM said...

After having read this article it seems to me that this book of yours is really good to read; at the same time it is serious and fun and interesting. Wishing you success in your writing!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

MedaM. Thank you very much indeed for your generous comments. When this book will be translated into English I'll send you a copy! Kind regards. Philip

Jeannette StG said...

Congrats on your second book. I know what you mean: freedom of thought is more challenging, but is also liberating. Traveling helped me with that: to see the strong as well as the weak points in different cultures.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Jeannette stgermain. Thank you so much for your kind comment.

Vlad Tsurule said...

As translated into English, I would like to read?. I'll write a book, though for two years, I just can not bring to the end, but the articles I write in one sitting. So I decided to ask you, a professional can give a few tips budding writer?

Όπως μεταφραστεί στα αγγλικά, θα ήθελα να διαβάσω?. Θα γράψω ένα βιβλίο, αν και για δύο χρόνια, δεν μπορώ ακριβώς να φέρει στο τέλος, αλλά τα άρθρα που γράφω σε μια συνεδρίαση. Έτσι αποφάσισα να σας ρωτήσω, ένας επαγγελματίας μπορεί να δώσει μερικές συμβουλές για τους εκκολαπτόμενους συγγραφέας?

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Владимир Цуруль. Thank you so much.

My Tattoo said...

haii nice konten

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@My Tattoo. Thanks.

kyllimarjaana said...

I'm surprised ! I never opened this blog and I never new you published a book . Congratulations !!! Hope you'll find my comment !

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ Kyllimarjaana. Kiitos, thank you for your kind comment. In fact I wrote two books! Best regards.

Paraskevi Lamprini M. said...

χαίρομαι που θα τά λέμε από το μπλογκ σου επισης!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

@ paraskevi malouxou. Ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ. Χαίρομαι!!

Anonymous said...

Είναι πραγματικά ένα δροσερό και χρήσιμο κομμάτι των πληροφοριών. Είμαι ικανοποιημένος που αυτό το κοινό χρήσιμες πληροφορίες μαζί μας. Παρακαλώ μείνετε μαζί μας ενημέρωσε όπως αυτό. Ευχαριστίες για τη διανομή.